In this internet age, online advertising has shown tremendous growth, especially with the increasing popularity of social media advertising. There are many advertising companies in Mumbai that clients approach, which only cater to online media. A few advertising companies in Mumbai provide services, particularly in the social media market. Apart from these agencies, clients also approach small ad agencies for online marketing. In this case, an ad agency will conceptualize as per the given brief. Once the concept is frozen, the ad agency sends the copy to one of the graphic design companies, which then creates a layout in sync with the concept and copy. These graphic design companies are specialized in designing websites, internet banners, pop-ups, etc. With the growing penetration of the internet and the popularity of social media, advertising has shifted its focus to internet advertising. Moreover, internet advertising is relatively less expensive. The Internet has a key feature of real-time updates which is an added value to this kind of advertising. Advertising on internet becomes interactive with this feature. Instant updates and instant reverts add to the convenience and efficiency of the medium. The biggest advantage of internet advertising is networking. Your message can reach across countries just by uploading an advertisement. This medium is being explored by a large number of people not only in India but also abroad. Lately, a few social media websites have designed a GUI, which lets a client or an individual place an ad directly without seeking any help from a designer. This has increased the exposure of a brand to the masses but has reduced the probability of clients approaching the designing agencies for social media advertising. Today online advertising has evolved so tremendously and is still evolving at a faster rate. This is the only form of advertising where clicks can be calculated and thus the interpretation of the advertisement effectiveness can be done accurately.